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Trees We Grow

The species shown on this list have been selected for durability, beauty, rapid growth and a tendency to resist disease and insects with a minimum amount of care by the eventual owner. 


  • ACER griseum- Paperbark Maple

  • ACER palmatum 'atropurpureum'- Bloodgood Maple- Dwarf (15') slow growing tree. Purplish red leaf color throughout entire season. Grafted. Heavy branched specimens.

  • ACER palmatum dissectum- Cut leaf maple. Tamukeyama, Inaba Shidare, Red Dragon, Virdis

  • ACER palmatum dissectum- Seiryu- The only upright version with green dissectum leaves. Tree form. 

  • ACER rubrum 80'-  'Franksred' Red Sunset ® Maple /October Glory/Sun Valley(seedless)- Selected for it's outstanding fall color and uniform growth habit.

  • ACER saccharum 50'- Sugar Maple Legacy & Endowment- Orange fall color.

  • AMELANCHIER autumn brillance- Service Berry

  • BETULA nigra - River Birch- Heritage and Dura Heat

  • CARPINUS betula fastigiata- Upright European Hornbeam

  • CARPINUS caroliniana- American Hornbeam

  • CLADRASTIS lutea- American yellowwood- A rare native with wisteria like white flowers and smooth gray bark

  • CEDRUS deodara Karl Fuch-Deodar Cedar- Hardy varieties with a graceful weeping habit.

  • CELTIS occidentalis- American Hackberry- A large native tree that transplants readily and urban tolerant. A member of the elm family. 

  • CERCIS chinensis 10-15'- Don Egolf- A small tree with large waxy leaves and flowering that can last a month. 

  • CERCIS canadensis- Ruby Falls- A purple leafed weeping variety that holds great color throughout the hot summer. A great specimen tree. (LIMITED QUANTITIES) 

  • CERCIS reniformis 20-30'Oklahoma- Flowers are rosy-pink with a purplish tinge. Waxy dark green leaves

  • CERCIS canadensis 20-30'- Forest Pansy & Tennessee Pink

  • CHAMEOCYPARIS obtusa Gracilis & Gracilis Compacta- Hinoki cypress

  • CHAMEOCYPARIS nookatensis Pendula- Weeping Alaskan Cedar- A beautiful tree that can be used for specimen, groupings or screening. A personal favorite. 

  • CORNUS kousa chinensis- Kousa Dogwood- Abundant white bloom in June.  Conspiciuous cherry like scarlet fruits, attractive to birds

  • CRATAEGUS viridis- Winter King HawthornA silver-barked tree with white flowers in the spring followed by red fruit that hangs well into winter. Drought tolerant, year round appeal.

  • CRYPTOMERIA japonica -Radican 30'- A nice fast growing evergreen, can be used as a specimen or screening. 

  • CRYPTOMERIA japonica-Gyokuryu 18'- Dense, broadly pyramidal, the same qualities of Radican at a smaller size. 

  • FAGUS slyvatica- Purple Fountain- Weeping purple beech

  • FAGUS slyvatica- Daywcki Purple & Rohani- A dark purple upright form that stays slender. 

  • FAGUS grandiflora & sylvatica- American & European Beech

  • GINGKO biloba- Princeton

  • GLEDITISIA triachanthos 45'- Skyline/Shade master Honey locust

  • GYMNOCLADUS dioicus-Kentucky Coffee Tree

  • ILEX opaca satyr hill- American Holly- A local variety that performs great in the mid Atlantic area, winter hardy and full.

  • ILEX cornuta X ilex pernyi 15-20'-Dr. Kassab Holly

  • ILEX merserveae- Dragon Lady Holly

  • JUNIPERUS chinesis- Blue Point Juniper- Blue pyramidal form. 

  • JUNIPERUS chinesis torulosa- Hollywood Juniper- Pruned for a tight upright shape. (LIMITED QUANTITIES)

  • LIQUIDAMBAR burgundy flush- Sweet Gum (seedless)

  • MAGNOLIA grandiflora-Claudia Wannamaker

  • MAGNOLIA virginiana 10-20'-Sweet Bay Magnolia

  • NYSSA sylvatica- Black Gum- A native tree with excellent fall color that thrives in wetlands. Seedlings, Tupelo Tower (culumnar) and Northern Splendor (cold hardy) are available. 

  • PERSIAN parrotia- Parrotia/Ironwood- Outstanding bark, color, stress free. Vanessa is a tree form version. 

  • PICEA abies 80-100'- Norway Spruce

  • PICEA pungens glauca- Hoopsi- The best blue available!

  • PLATANUS X acerifolia 60'+ London Plane Tree, Bloodgood & Exclamation

  • PRUNUS serrulata 40'- Snow Goose Cherry

  • PRUNUS yedoenis 40'- Yoshino Cherry

  • PRUNUS X Okame 20-30'- Okame Cherry- A very deep pink early flowering cherry

  • QUERCUS palustris- Pin Oak

  • QUERCUS robur X bicolor- Kindred Spirit & Regal Prince- Two varieties of upright oaks

  • QUERCUS bicolor-Swamp White Oak

  • STEWARTIA psuedocamilla- Japanese Stewartia- An ornamental tree with beautiful bark, summer flowers and burgundy fall color. Winter hardy which makes it a great alternative to the Crape Mrytle. 

  • STYRAX japonica- Emerald Pagoda- A uniform grower with larger flowers and more robust leaves, with a leathery texture and richer green coloration. 

  • STYRAX obassia- Fragrant Snowbell- An upright grower with large fig-like leaves and delicate chains of fragrant bell shaped flowers. 

  • SYRINGA reticulate 'Ivory Silk' 20-30'- Japanese Tree Lilac- A summer white flowering tree. 

  • THUJA occidentalis smaraged 15'- Emerald Green Arborvitae 

  • THUJA plicata 50'- Green Giant

  • TILLIA Americana- Redmond American Linden 

  • TILLIA Cordata 50'- Green Spire Linden- A great urban tree, strong central leader and perfect form. 

  • ULMUS Americana 60'- Fast growing, DED resistant, has survived 80+ years in the landscape.

  • ULMUS parvifolia 'Allee and Everclear (columnar)- Chinese Lacebark Elm- Fast growing, disease resistant, excellent exfoliating bark and drought tolerant. 

  • ULMUS parvifolia X carpinifolia 30'- Frontier Elm. Smaller, SEEDLESS, strong branch structure, consistent BRILLIANT RED fall color. 

  • ZELKOVA serrata 'Green Vase' and 'Village Green' 60'- Zelkova

  • ZELKOVA serrata Mushashino- Zelkova- An upright form, great for areas with limited spacing.

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